The Therapist throw down is not a gimmick. It’s a necessary step in the evolution of our field

In the world of psychotherapy, where the power of empathy and healing often unfolds behind closed doors, an intriguing event is quietly making waves - the "Therapist Throw Down." During my days as a student I could only dream of such an event, I never thought it could be possible. Two years ago, Tony Rousmanierre and Alex Vaz made it a reality. This unique competition is much more than just a contest; it's a catalyst for growth and transformation in the field of psychotherapy. like anything new and different, the competition is also controversial. In this article, I hope to explain why I believe the Therapist Throw Down is a valuable and necessary endeavor for for our field as a whole and specifically for young therapists. Read on if you are curious, or skip to the bottom to register.

  1. Sharpening the Saw: In our busy lives, it's easy for therapists to become caught up in the daily routines of their practices. The Therapist Throw Down serves as a powerful reminder that honing one's skills is an ongoing process. By creating a competitive platform, it raises awareness about the importance of continuous practice. Just like athletes train rigorously for a competition, therapists too can benefit from intentional practice to refine their craft.

  2. Breaking the Solitude: Psychotherapy is often characterized by solitary sessions where therapists work one-on-one with their clients. While this intimacy is crucial for effective therapy, it can sometimes lead to professional isolation. The Therapist Throw Down breaks this mould of loneliness by bringing therapists together in a live, engaging event. It offers a glimpse into diverse therapy styles, encouraging an exchange of ideas and fostering a sense of community among practitioners.

  3. Embracing Constructive Feedback: Constructive feedback is the cornerstone of professional growth, but it can be challenging to receive. The Therapist Throw Down tackles this issue head-on by providing clear guidelines for evaluating therapeutic skills. Framing feedback within the context of a playful competition reduces anxiety and makes the learning process enjoyable. Therapists can learn from their peers and discover new ways to improve without the fear of judgment.

  4. Promoting Innovation and Best Practices: Competitions have a knack for pushing participants to their creative limits. In the Therapist Throw Down, therapists are encouraged to showcase their unique approaches while adhering to established guidelines. This fosters an environment of innovation, where new techniques and best practices can emerge, benefiting therapists and their clients alike.

  5. Inspiring the Next Generation: Beyond its benefits for seasoned therapists, the Therapist Throw Down can serve as an inspiration for aspiring therapists and students. It demonstrates that the field of psychotherapy is dynamic and open to growth and improvement. Encourage your colleagues and students to participate or attend, and be part of this transformative experience.

In conclusion, the Therapist Throw Down is more than just a competition; it's a celebration of growth, community, and innovation within the field of psychotherapy. If you're a therapist looking to elevate your skills, or if you want to witness the evolution of psychotherapy firsthand, consider registering for this event. Invite your colleagues, students, and fellow therapists to join in, and together, let's unlock the potential of psychotherapy through healthy competition.


Watch the Therapists Throwdown final 2023


The Therapist Throwdown 2021 and 2022